Gitega Study Space : A space to acquire digital skills

In an increasingly digital world, developing skills in this area is essential. By 2030, in Sub-Saharan Africa, 230 million jobs will require digital skills, according to the International Finance Corporation (IFC). To address this reality, it is crucial to prepare by combating the factors that fuel the digital divide, such as lack of skills, poor internet access, discriminatory stereotypes, and more. Here is an analysis and proposed solutions. The digital divide is a well-known phenomenon that divides Burundian society into two categories: those who have access to and master new technologies, and those who are excluded. To tackle this digital divide, digital inclusion appears as an effective solution to ensure that everyone can access and master digital tools. Digital inclusion means guaranteeing access to information and communication technologies for all, as well as training individuals to use them optimally. By acquiring digital skills, individuals can fully participate in society, whether in professional, educational, or social contexts. What will be our contribution through the Gitega Study Space? At Freeti, we believe that successfully transitioning from analog to digital requires a concerted effort among key stakeholders. This includes the government, the private sector, civil society, international organizations, and other relevant actors. It is in this context that the Gitega Study Space has been designed. This space will host the project “Digital Inclusion for Final-Year Secondary School Students through Excellence Clubs in Burundi,” supported by the King Baudouin Foundation. This project will involve various actors, including the public sector (government through secondary schools and the Provincial Directorate of Education) and the private sector (with the involvement of SkyNet-Burundi for training components). What is the Contribution of This Project? Through this project, we aim for increased digital inclusion. Awareness sessions and training programs will help final-year students better adapt to their university paths, with a particular focus on including young girls. Indeed, young girls are underrepresented in employment, entrepreneurship, and policy-making in the ICT sector. Furthermore, trained youth will be able to launch initiatives in the digital field and digital entrepreneurship projects, while others will be connected to job opportunities. Conclusion This project will enhance the capabilities of final-year secondary school students, thereby reducing the digital divide and facilitating access to digital technologies. This aligns with Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which recognizes everyone’s right to participate in cultural life and benefit from scientific progress. The Gitega Study Space is, therefore, an essential initiative to prepare young Burundians for a digital future, equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed and positively contribute to society.
Global Networking Program au service de la communauté burundaise pour une éducation de qualité

L’apprentissage en ligne est devenu un aspect de plus en plus important de l’éducation partout dans le monde. Avec les progrès de la technologie, il est de plus en plus facile pour les gens d’accéder aux ressources éducatives en ligne. En Afrique, plus précisément au Burundi, il est important que les gens connaissent ces ressources, d’où nous venons de mettre en place le programme Global Networking Programme.
Watch and Learn Program

Bujumbura, Lycée du Saint Esprit, 03 Mars 2023
Clubs Jardin des Leaders

À travers le programme des Clubs “Jardin des Leaders”, nous semons des graines du leadership et de la liberté technologique dans les écoles burundaises. Nous travaillons avec des élèves leaders(délégués de classe notamment) qui ont une grande influence dans leurs établissements et qui sont capables d’accumuler ces notions pour enfin les transmettre aux autres, afin de leur préparer à un avenir meilleur.
Talk Tech Liberty

Talk Tech Liberty (TTL) est un programme de blogging que nous avons lancé pour diffuser les idées de liberté technologique et économique basée sur le web (Fintech) via nos plateformes en ligne.
Fintech Bootcamp

Fintech Bootcamp est un atelier de formation de trois jours où les participants sélectionnés qui ont des idées innovantes et génératrices de revenu apprennent à utiliser l’Internet d’une manière rationnelle et rentable ainsi que les concepts de la liberté technologiques et économiques. Le programme est dispensé par des professeurs chevronnés de la finance, de la liberté économique et des sciences de traitement des données. À la fin du Bootcamp, les étudiants auront renforcé leur curriculum vitæ et leur compétence technique pour mieux investir en Fintech. Ce cours offre également une mise à jour gratuite pour que les étudiants puissent actualiser leurs connaissances.