Le Bitcoin et les autres cryptomonnaies : entre engouement et opportunités

Selon un rapport de Triple A, le nombre de détenteurs mondiaux de cryptomonnaies a atteint 562 millions, soit 6,8 % de la population mondiale en 2024. La légitimité du Bitcoin continue de naviguer dans un environnement turbulent, alors que le monde s’efforce de comprendre ce phénomène. Que retenir de cette adoption massive du Bitcoin à l’échelle internationale ? S’agit-il d’une véritable révolution économique ou d’une tendance éphémère ? Quelle place occupent les autres cryptomonnaies dans cet écosystème en plein évolution ? Quelques pistes de réflexions avec ITANGANEZA Lee Dessart. Les cryptos : si ce n’est pas du Bitcoin, est-ce du scam (Escroquerie ou pratique frauduleuses) ? Depuis la crise financière de 2008 marquée par la faillite retentissante de Lehman Brothers, un individu ou groupe d’individus du nom de Satoshi Nakamoto a proposé une alternative audacieuse : une monnaie numérique décentralisée, indépendante des banques pour répondre à ce climat de méfiance envers les institutions financières. A l’ère où vous lisez cet article, l’écosystème des cryptomonnaies ne se limite plus au Bitcoin. De nombreux projets alternatifs tentent de répondre aux limites de ce derniers tout en sachant qu’il existe aussi de nombreux scams. En parlant des cryptos et des scams « Savez-vous qu’il est possible de créer votre propre crypto en moins de 15 minutes ? » En lisant cette phrase, vous pouvez légitimement douter de l’originalité d’une multitude de nouvelles cryptomonnaies naissantes, tant le gouffre de leur compréhension au niveau mondial est vaste. Ces derniers jours, suite à l’élection de Donald J. Trump aux États-Unis d’Amérique, le mot ‘Bitcoin’ est à la une : des médias aux décideurs en passant par chaque personne qui s’intéresse à l’actualité. De quoi s’agit-il ? Quelle est la différence avec les autres cryptomonnaies ? Sont-elles des scams ? Bitcoin : les raisons de son existence. En 2008, le monde est sous le choc. Aux États-Unis, on parle de la crise financière, et de nombreuses familles sont en difficulté. Que s’est-il passé ? La faillite d’une des plus grandes banques de l’époque, Lehman Brothers, en est la cause. Pourquoi ? En raison d’un investissement massif de la banque dans le secteur immobilier, financé par de l’argent emprunté, sans anticiper la chute de la valeur de l’immobilier. C’est dans ce contexte qu’un homme ou un groupe de personnes connu sous le pseudonyme de Satoshi Nakamoto a proposé une nouvelle forme de monnaie : le Bitcoin. Qu’est-ce que le Bitcoin ? Lorsque deux personnes souhaitent effectuer une transaction à distance, elles doivent généralement se fier à un tiers, une banque, qui agit en tant que médiateur de confiance. L’idée de Satoshi et de son innovation est de créer une monnaie numérique décentralisée, c’est-à-dire sans intermédiaire, facilement transmissible avec n’importe quel téléphone portable grâce à un système pair-à-pair. C’est ainsi qu’est née la toute première cryptomonnaie, le Bitcoin, une monnaie cryptée limitée à 21 millions d’unités, échangeable entre deux personnes de manière plus ou moins anonyme, avec un historique de toutes les transactions conservées et pouvant être consulté grâce à la technologie de la blockchain. Pourquoi alors peut-on créer une cryptomonnaie en 15 minutes ? Est-ce pour autant un scam ? Pour le Bitcoin et les véritables cryptomonnaies, chaque transaction est consignée dans un registre sécurisé, connu sous le nom de blockchain. L’implémentation de ce système de registre nécessite des ressources considérables, ce qui a incité certains projets à s’appuyer sur une blockchain existante, appelés tokens, ce qui facilite leur déploiement. Le Bitcoin a-t-il des limites ? La découverte du Bitcoin a eu un impact fulgurant, provoquant une onde de choc dans le monde de la finance. Cependant, il n’est pas sans limitations. Au fil du temps, de nouvelles cryptomonnaies ont été créées pour surmonter certaines barrières du Bitcoin. Bien que ce dernier soit très connu, sa vitesse de transaction peut être frustrante, atteignant environ 600 000 transactions par jour, ce qui contribue à la sécurité de ses opérations. De plus, l’offre de Bitcoin est strictement limitée à 21 millions d’unités, ce qui en fait une ressource rare. Pour relever ces défis, certaines cryptomonnaies se sont concentrées sur l’accélération des transactions, parfois au risque de compromettre la sécurité, comme c’est le cas de Solana. D’autres, comme Ethereum, se consacrent à la création d’applications décentralisées, ouvrant ainsi la voie à de nouvelles possibilités. Monero, quant à lui, met l’accent sur la sécurité, attirant ceux qui cherchent à protéger leurs échanges. La volatilité du Bitcoin a également donné naissance à des cryptomonnaies plus stables, souvent liées à des devises traditionnelles. Ces actifs, appelés stablecoins, incluent des exemples comme Tether, offrant une option moins risquée pour ceux qui souhaitent naviguer dans le monde des cryptomonnaies sans trop de fluctuations. Quelle leçon pour le Burundi ? Le monde des cryptomonnaies est en train de révolutionner le paysage économique, tant sa technologie est fascinante, bien que la méfiance demeure. Les cryptomonnaies ne peuvent, à elles seules, constituer un remède pour les pays en voie de développement, mais étant donné leurs multiples facettes, une exploration approfondie s’avérerait pertinente. Advaxe NDAYISENGA
Visit to New Generation Technical High School: Empowering future innovators

On September 27, our team had the opportunity to visit New Generation Technical High School, an important occasion to connect with enthusiastic students eager to explore the intersection of technology and their future careers. Welcoming and Introduction Upon arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the school director, who introduced us to the students and explained the purpose of our visit. We took the opportunity to introduce ourselves and share our mission. Presentation of the Free Tech Project Guy Eudes, the monitoring and evaluation officer, presented FREE TECH and its mission to the students. He explained that FREE TECH INSTITUTE is a Burundian non-governmental organization focused on entrepreneurship based on new information and communication technologies. Our vision is to transform Burundian society. The project, titled “Digital Inclusion for Secondary School Youth through Digital Technology,” was introduced to the students. Guy emphasized our goal of teaching them general computer skills, how to market themselves and their work, and providing them with essential foundations for their future, whether they continue their studies or not. We aim to help them seize scholarship opportunities and inspire them to pursue their aspirations. Discussion on the Center and Opportunities Advaxe, responsible for professional guidance, spoke about the center and the services we offer. He provided the address of the center, explaining that it is a place where students can learn, enhance their computer skills, and boost their potential while encouraging young girls to engage with technology. Advaxe engaged the students by asking about their fields of study and their future aspirations. He explained how they could facilitate their academic work through technology while also equipping themselves for the future as they prepare to leave school. He highlighted that our training program is not only educational but also competitive, as it involves multiple schools and the best initiatives could receive professional support. Those who do not receive support will still earn a certificate. He emphasized that there are many scholarship opportunities available online to continue their studies, and using the internet is a reliable source of information compared to seeking advice from others, which carries the risk of receiving inaccurate or incomplete information. Conclusion The visit to New Generation Technical High School was a valuable opportunity to inspire young minds and encourage them to embrace technology as a tool for their future. By providing them with the skills and resources they need, we are contributing to a new generation of innovators ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow! Some of the pictures of the visit Advaxe NDAYISENGA
Visit to the Gitega Secondary School of Arts (ETSA): Empowering future artists

On September 24, our team had the privilege of visiting the Gitega Secondary School of Arts, an important opportunity to connect with aspiring artists eager to explore digital technologies in their craft. Welcoming and Introduction We were warmly welcomed by the Technical Director of the school, who introduced our team and briefly explained the purpose of our visit. After this introduction, we presented ourselves to the students. Presentation of the Free Tech Project Belyï Nobel, the project leader, introduced FREE TECH and its mission to the students. He explained that FREE TECH INSTITUTE is a Burundian non-governmental organization focused on entrepreneurship based on new information and communication technologies. Our vision is to transform Burundian society. The project, titled “Digital Inclusion for Secondary School Youth through Digital Technology,” was presented to the students. He emphasized our goal of teaching them general computer skills, how to market themselves and their artwork, and providing them with essential foundations for their future, whether they continue their studies or not. We aim to help them seize scholarship opportunities and inspire them to pursue their passions. Introduction of the Gitega Study Space Bellie Nerval, the director of Gitega Study Space, spoke about the center and the services we offer. She provided the address of the center and explained that it is a place where students can learn, enhance their computer skills, boost their potential, conduct research for their studies or other interests, and encourage them to use social media to showcase their talents. She also emphasized the importance of motivating young girls to engage with technology. Discussion on the Artistic Journey Advaxe, responsible for professional guidance, ensured that all present were artists who knew how to use Photoshop and aspired to make a living through their art. He made it clear that an artist never loses value; for example, a piece created in 2010 will never sell for less in 2024. He emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency after leaving school, urging them to continue practicing and selling their art. Advaxe highlighted how our training can help them create and manage social media accounts beyond just Facebook. An artist must utilize social media to sell their artwork internationally or attract funding from organizations for workspace, necessary materials, or research opportunities. He pointed out that there are platforms dedicated to selling artistic items and numerous scholarship opportunities available online to continue their education. Given that there is no higher education beyond high school in Burundi, he stressed that the internet is a reliable source of information compared to seeking advice from others, which could lead to misinformation. Conclusion The visit to the Gitega Secondary School of Arts was an invaluable opportunity to engage with passionate young artists. We hope to inspire them to embrace digital tools, explore new opportunities, and continue their artistic journeys with confidence. By providing them with the skills and resources they need, we are contributing to a vibrant future for Burundian arts! Some pictures of the visit Advaxe NDAYISENGA
Visit to Gitega Social School (ECOSO): A Step towards digital inclusion

On September 24, our team had the opportunity to visit the Gitega Social School, an important moment for sharing our vision and initiatives with students eager to learn about digital technology. Welcoming and Introduction We were warmly welcomed by the Technical Director of the school, who introduced our team and briefly explained the purpose of our visit. After this introduction, we took a moment to present ourselves. Presentation of the Free Tech Project Belyï Nobel, the project leader, introduced FREE TECH and its mission to the students. He explained that FREE TECH INSTITUTE is a Burundian non-governmental organization focused on the social entrepreneurship of Burundian youth through new information and communication technologies. Our vision is to transform Burundian society. The project, titled “Digital Inclusion for Secondary School Youth through Digital Technology,” was presented to the students. He emphasized our aim to teach them general computer skills, providing them with the necessary foundations for their future, whether they continue their studies or not. We also aim to help them seize scholarship opportunities. Introduction of the Gitega Study Space Bellie Nerval, the director of Gitega Study Space, spoke about the center and the services we offer. She provided the address of the center and explained that it is a place where students can learn, enhance their computer skills, conduct research related to their studies, and encourage young girls to become interested in technology. Discussion on Technology Advaxe, responsible for professional guidance, engaged the students in a discussion about technology. He asked them what they understood by technology, including its advantages and disadvantages. The students were very dynamic, responding that they associate technology with computers and phones. They noted advantages such as information processing, communication, and internet connectivity, while citing disadvantages like eye strain, back pain, and fatigue. Advaxe highlighted that one major advantage of technology is the ability to research anything they want, anytime. This is particularly beneficial if they wish to continue their studies, as they can easily and quickly gather information without always needing to ask others. For those who may not pursue further education, he discussed how they can earn money through small jobs related to their computer skills or by promoting what they already do. Student Engagement The students asked numerous questions regarding the project and the center. Key takeaways for them included the importance of not using computers or phones at night, not being afraid to pursue careers in technology, and recognizing opportunities available online. At the end of our visit, we took a group photo to commemorate the occasion. This visit to Gitega Social School was a valuable opportunity to connect with enthusiastic students and inspire them towards a future enriched by digital skills. We look forward to continuing our efforts in promoting digital inclusion among Burundian youth! Some pictures of the visit! Advaxe NDAYISENGA
Digital Inclusion of Youth: Our visit to the community technical school

Monday, September 23, 2024, we had the opportunity to visit the Community Technical School, a key moment to share our vision and projects with motivated students eager to learn more about digital technologies and their applications in their future. Presentation of the Free Tech Institute Project Free Tech Institute is a Burundian non-governmental organization dedicated to the social entrepreneurship of youth, focused on new information and communication technologies. Our project, titled “Digital Inclusion of Secondary School Youth through Digital Technology,” aims to transform Burundian society by providing young people with the necessary tools to succeed in an increasingly digital world. The Gitega Study Space Gitega Study Space is a learning center where students can acquire computer skills, conduct research related to their studies, and encourage one another. We place special emphasis on encouraging young girls to engage with technology, as we believe that gender equality in the tech field is essential for the future. Importance of Technology During our discussions with the students, several key points were highlighted regarding the importance of technology in their academic and professional lives: Conclusion This visit to the Community Technical School was a wonderful opportunity to engage with determined young people. We firmly believe that digital inclusion is essential for their future. By providing them with access to technology and the necessary skills, we are contributing to building a generation of Burundian youth ready to face the challenges of the modern world. Some pictures from the visit! Advaxe NDAYISENGA